After having been on a sabbatical for the past year helping my kids get through school during the pandemic while learning to trade options in the stock market...

It's now time to return to my career as a software engineer that loves investing.

This website will be chronicling that process... starting with building the site itself.

And so it goes... sometimes you find people you were meant to work with sooner than you realize.
As of 3/11/22 I have taken a position at Blue Line Solutions.

Github | Blog | Twitter


  1. Buy the domain through Cloudflare.
  2. Create literally the most minimal site to deploy... It simply said... 'Sup.
  3. Deploy to Cloudflare using Cloudflare Pages.
  4. Update Content
    1. Why I'm creating the site.
    2. Uses inline styling for the win... starting to remember why front end development is tempermental and that CSS is one of the dark arts ;)
  5. Move font sizing to body tag.
  6. A span embedded in a p tag seemingly is loosing the font sizing set at the body level when viewed on mobile. Shrug... try moving it to it's own p tag.
  7. Serve the main page from the root authority domain rather than a path.
  8. Include links to where I live online.
  9. Update Content
    1. I have a new job!